5 Ways To Get Dry Eye Relief

Dry eye syndrome is a frustrating condition that can leave your eyes feeling irritated, scratchy, and uncomfortable. If you suffer from chronic dry eyes, there are several effective methods to find relief and improve your eye comfort.

1. Use Rewetting Eye Drops

One of the quickest ways to soothe dry, irritated eyes is by using rewetting eye drops. These lubricating drops coat your eyes with moisture and help prevent evaporation. Carry small, single-use vials with you to use as needed throughout the day for instant relief. Some of the best drops for dry eyes contain ingredients like polyethylene glycol or hypromellose.

2. Apply Warm Compresses

Applying warm, wet compresses to your closed eyelids helps stimulate oil production in the glands around your eyes, improving lubrication. To do this, soak a clean washcloth in warm water, wring out the excess moisture, and place it over your eyes for 5-10 minutes twice a day. The warmth will soothe your irritated eyes.

3. Increase Your Blink Rate

Consciously blinking more frequently can help spread your natural tears more evenly across your eyes, reducing dry spots. Staring at screens for long periods can decrease your blink rate. Make an effort to close your eyes and blink completely every few seconds. Lubricating drops can also help by adding weight to your lids, encouraging more complete blinking.

4. Avoid Triggers

Certain environments or activities can worsen dry eyes by accelerating tear evaporation. Windy conditions, airplane cabin air, cold weather, and indoor heating or air conditioning can all dry out your eyes faster. Limit screen time and take regular breaks to blink. Identify and minimize exposure to your personal dry eye triggers.

5. See an Eye Doctor

If over-the-counter drops and home remedies don’t provide lasting relief, it’s time to schedule an appointment with your eye doctor. An optometrist can check for underlying issues causing dryness and prescribe medicated drops or other treatments for long-term relief. In San Antonio, Optica 20/20 San Antonio offers advanced dry eye therapies like LipiFlow, pharmaceutical-grade eye vitamins, and prescription anti-inflammatory eye drops. Their eye doctors stay up-to-date on the latest dry eye research and products. You can even get a same-day dry eye exam at Optica 20/20 San Antonio. Don’t suffer through chronic dry eyes—visit an eye doctor for professional treatment.

Visit Our Optometrist Near You Today

Following these tips can help soothe the irritation of dry eyes and keep your eyes comfortable throughout the day. Pay attention to what your eyes need and be proactive about managing dryness. With the right relief methods, dry eye doesn’t have to hold you back. Optica 20/20 San Antonio offers walk-in eye exams and same-day appointments. Visit our office or call us to learn more.

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